We take pride in the fact that every single component we use to design our keychains is high-quality. Not only is the finished product high end, but every single piece is chosen for its durability. We use materials like bronze, brass, and stainless steel to create the #1 men’s keychains on the market.


The high-end materials used to design our keychains are known for their ability to resist corrosion. You no longer have to worry about your keychain’s color fading or the material rusting over time. Our men’s keychains can last for several years and will still look brand new.


Each of our designs is totally solid, so you don’t have to worry about the keychain breaking. And, with an average weight of 3.3 ounces, you’ll never have to worry about it weighing down your pockets or being too bulky to carry around.

KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain


KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain 00016
Hand-made EDC accessories and for any one including the police, the military, photographers, cyclists, bikers climbers etc... in short, for everyone... a loose release that works like clockwork. -------------------------------------- COMPOSITION AND MATERIALS for QUICK RELEASE - Main Body in Steel - Slide: Solid brass - Male connector: Solid Steel MODS: - Steel Carabiner / Original model (M) - Ti-Bike-Link connector / Steel and brass - Omega Shackle - Screws: Stainless Steels
$49.95 In stock
KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain KYLINK Quick Release Connector 22 Brass TOP Sailor Shackle Keychain

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